
How to get better at volleyball ?

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Try outs are tomorrow and I'm sorta nervous.

Im not bad but I'm the best. I can pretty much do everything except spiking. Any tips on how to get better?




  1. Relax, no need to be all tight for the tryouts.  You'll get better when you start practicing more consistently.  You won't have time to learn anything new before the tryouts so don't worry about that.  You will also get better by practicing with people who are a little better than you also.

  2. Take a ball and practice spiking since you can't do that.. Or maybe practice with your friends.

  3. Ask some one that you know to like throw you a ball over the net and you just spike it every time!

  4. practice with someone and spike every time you hit the the ball

  5. Well first of all, what level volleyball are you trying out for? At my school we have Modified, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. If you're trying out for Modified, then you're fine because they aren't expecting you to be able to do everything perfectly, but if you're trying out for JV then just brush up on everything you already know how to do and get someone to help you learn how to spike the ball. I know when I started the only experience I had was sixth grade gym class and that's it. But most coaches teach the newer kids anything they need to know at the beginning of the season, the first couple of practices is how much time we spent learning serving, spiking, setting, and bumping. We had a lot of time on our hands as we started 5 weeks before our first game so we could take all the time we needed to learn what we needed to, so just do your best tomorrow and you should be fine, especially since a lot of people aren't the best at spiking for the first practice, and since you can do everything else there's no reason to worry about spiking. The coaches will probably ignore it and have you work on it at practice and at home.

  6. i have played volleyball for years and my sister went to championships i can spike really good my sister said think of someone u dont like at all and then use the base (PALM) of ur hand and jump to hit it ovr the net (pretend you r swatting a fly towards the ground)

  7. If tryouts are tomorrow there isn't a lot you can do. Just do your best and work hard...the coaches will notice who is really working hard to do their best. If you have trouble spiking try just tipping the ball over the net ( many times the other team isnt ready for a tip and it can be an easy way to score points) ....its only tryouts they dont expect you to be perfect..thats what practices are for! Good luck!

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