
How to get big air/ do rails on twin tip skis?

by  |  earlier

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I've skied for about 7-8 years, along with snowboarding for about 3-4, now I'm getting into twin tip, but i dont know how to approach a rail. Also do you have any tips on how to get good air, it seems to be a problem I've had with skiing




  1. first of all having twin tips is awsome i wish i had them but i can t afford them...well it depends on if it is a box rail or a a normal rail...personally, i would go seek out box rails, they are much easier for skiiers, cuz if you biff on a thinner raili on skiis it hurts more than on a snowboard because stuff can go between ur legs! So first for a box just try it normally, just go straight keep your skis close together, and just slide off the end. Then try go sideways, and doing 180's and stuff really the easiest way to get good is to just do a lot of rails... On how to get good air..go fast off the jump, and when you just go off the jump, try pulling ur skiis up and kind of hopping or pushing off at the top of the jump!

  2. You should deffinately start on boxes they are wider and easier.  approach the box straight on.  you want to be moving at a moderated speed.  the faster you go the less time you actually spend on the box.  the slower you go, the harder it is to balance.  at front of the rail, do a small jump and turn 90 degrees so you can slide the box sideways.  when you are on the box, keep your feet about shoulder width apart and keep your boots centered over the middle of the box.  you should be in a low, balanced stance.  when you reach the end of the box jump off and turn 90 degrees so you can ride away straight forward or backward.  get very comfortable with boxes then try some small, low rails.

    Jumps.  Approach the jump with enough speed to make the landing, dont go to fast or it will be hard to stay balanced.  watch a couple skiers take the jump so you have a rough idea of how much speed you will need.  you should be in a balanced stance, when you reach the lip of the jump, pop off of it.  Bend your knees and extend, jumping of the edge of the jump.  This will help you stay controled and get more air.  spot your landing and bring your arms forward.  Extend your legs and absorb the landing impact.  start out small and work your way up to bigger jumps.  once you can consitently get a decent amount of air, try some grabs or other tricks.

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