Most of my cousins and well family have curves, and I use to be that same way but I've recently lost weight over these few months in school and last time I went to visit my family they were making fun of my skinny legs or how they said (chicke legs) and my skinny arms and it made me feel bad because they were saying that I was some kind of anorexic weirdo and I literally started crying because I'm really not that skinny but they made me feel so bad I only lost like 7-10 pounds so far in like 7 months, its really not that bad but they make me feel bad... but I know a lot of people would say they want to be skinny but I don't. please can anyone tell me what kind of exercises will make my hips, thighs, maybe my butt bigger ? Or are there any healthy foods that will make hips, thighs, maybe my butt bigger?