
How to get boys to act polite at restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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any tips?




  1. honestly, give them money.

    If they're young, maybe under 8. give them 5$ and take them out to ice creame after.

    if they are older that 8...just give them money..15, 20? i think they respond well to that.  

  2. Depends on the age, like 3-5 the best way to handle it is to raise them to respect your word, and let them know you do have authority. Older than that they should understand, you should let them know if they act immature, there will be no award. Make it a game with them possibly too, the more negative complements they recive, the less dessert they get. If they are older then 12 and cant handle them selfs, theres no help on yahoo answers.  

  3. How old are these boys, children should not be allowed where they will act inappropriately.  Explain to them that they simply must not act this way, and if they continue to do so, you will bring them home and send them to their rooms.  And actually do it!

  4. NyQuil!!!

  5. Maybe is just me, but your question raises a question: Why would you only require them to be polite at restaurants??? If you don't require it at home, at the grocery store, at the mall, etc.  why would they behave any differently in a restaurant?

    My answer to your question is they should be trained to be obedient at home; trained to be respectful of themselves and others at home,and then it will be a no brainer when they're out someplace.

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