
How to get chain link post out?

by Guest60553  |  earlier

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Hubby and I found a chain link fence online for cheap, the catch is we have to pull it out ourselves. The posts are in cement in the ground, is there any easy or good way to get them out? Or should we just cut our losses on it?




  1. you would have to dig around each post to dig them out - I would not do that - too much of a hassle.

  2. HAHA!!  This guy is trying to pull a fast one on you!  Free labor under the guise of "you take the fence".  Thing is digging out fence posts is tough work.  Most people will cut them to ground level and leave the underground portion there.  Take the chain link if you want it but tell this con artist that he will have to deal with his own posts.  Then you can buy your own fence posts new.  Trust me, this is the way you want to do it.

  3. It's a lot of digging to remove it you will probably need to get new posts for it.

    It all depends if you are up to it and if it's worth your effort, did you check to see how much will you be saving if you got a new one? if you are considering this fence it must be a good deal .

    I was reading a bit about the cutting of the posts but if you cut it down it will leave a piece in the ground that will cause people to trip over them. so the best solution is to dig them up and break the cement, this calls a friends and relatives to give you a hand , on top of that the owner will probably expect you to refill the holes once you are done ..

  4. If you pour water around the post to loosen the dirt, you should be able to loose them out, dig down to the concrete prior to this and slam the concrete with a big hammer.

  5. If you really want the fence, take the fencing off of the posts, and of course, save it. To reuse the posts, dig completely around the ball of concrete.  Attach a come along hoist to an adjacent post, and to the post you just dug out, and pull it out of the ground.  then smash away the concrete with a Sledge hammer, being careful not to hit the post.

    This is real Back Breaking work, But if the fence is worth it, it may make sense.

    An easier but more expensive alternative is to just recycle/throw away the posts concrete and all. That means you have to buy new posts.

  6. Let me see if I have this right.  You are going to take down this guy’s chain link fence, posts and all AND you’re paying him.  WOW.  He should be paying you.  When I was a kid I worked one summer for a few days pulling posts like this (about 20).  I was paid $20 per post (in 1987) and it was absolutely back breaking.  

    Last summer I helped a neighbor replace his 15 year old deck.  Boards were rotted, split, warped, aged and just worn out.  We was not looking forward to the rip down because that would mean a half days worth of splinters, getting stuck by nails and hauling boards from his yard out to a dumpster not to mention the need to have my tetanus shot updated.  

    He advertised the boards for sale on Craigslist as “cheap”.  One guy came and spent an entire day carefully dismantling the deck and hauled it away.  The kicker was, he PAID my neighbor $250 for the privilege to do so.  He was convinced he got a good deal.  Sucker.  

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