
How to get cheaper auto insurance on a Avalanche?

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I am trying to get an Avalanche insured but its way more expensive than my current mid-90's Tahoe. I am 21 yr. male under my parent's policy and we all have our own question is: If I remove my tahoe (leaving 2 cars total) and my grandma puts me on her insurance policy, will my parents' insurance company still keep me on their policy even though I am a primary driver on my grandmas? I want to put my avalanche under my parent's policy and keep my dad as a primary driver on both his truck and my avalanche because that would be way cheaper.




  1. Yes, your parents can keep you on their policy - and they have to, if you're living in their house.  But your grandma will ALSO have to list you on HER policy, as you're a regular operator of that car.  Plus, the car would have to be titled to grandma.  

    You can't have dad as primary operator of two vehicles, unless ALL the operators on the policy are alreay listed as primary operators on other cars.  Each car can have one primary operator, and you can't double up until you have more cars than drivers.

  2. You can try this company - - I personally have their car insurance. As I know they have cheapest insurance policies for young drivers.

    Both Tahoe and Avalanche are expensive to insure, especially in your age.

  3. No.  Unless you live with your grandmother, the two of you cannot be covered on the same policy.  It's insurance fraud.

  4. Great design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good place to answer your questions.

  5. What you are asking advice for is if it is ok to commit insurance fraud.  Insurance premiums are based in actuarial science.  Younger drivers are more likely to have accidents, do things that will cause accidents, and your Avalanche is a much more expensive vehicle to replace.   You can not have someone put you on there policy if they have no insurance interest in the vehicle or you.  Your parents can keep you on there policy so long as you still call there home your home and that you a full time student.  

    Here is what you can do.  You can shop around and compare rates with other companies.  But this wont do you any good alone.  With out your parents policies you will lose your multi-car, auto home discount.  Make certain you are getting all discounts.  The ones above as well as Good Student that is a big one for someone your age if you are still in school.  If you are on your own visit several companies, in person, on line or over the phone and have everyone tell you what they can do for you.  Dont sacrifice coverage for

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