
How to get chewing gum out of coat without cutting?

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Mum just brought our Shih Tzu puppy back from his walk and he's got chewing gum stuck in his moustache hair! He tried to eat it and now it's stuck infront of his mouth. We've been growing this hair long and desperately do not want to cut it out. It's pretty well stuck.




  1. Ice or Peanut Butter, both work.  

  2. I know its not exactly the same but i once got chewing gum stuck in my hair (i have very long hair) and my mum used cooking oil... time consuming but definitely works!... so try that :)

  3. use scissors, but cut along the hair - not cutting the hair off but pointing the scissors in the same direction as the hair, cut the chewing gum into small pieces and it should be able to be teased out.

  4. awww....if you don't cut a little bit..the puppy might be in pain..

    the puppy cant if i was you just cut a little bit of hair...not the whole thing...just where the chewy in on...and wash him with some conditionar..and shampoo.. or esle the puppy maybes in real pain and might be suffering inside if you try to pull it .

    hope that helped you ..

    good luck !

  5. peanut butter or mayo.

    Smear it in the hair really good. Use alot! Then work the pieces of gum out.

    That or ice but I don't see you dog sitting for that. Plus if he tries l*****g, peanutbutter or mayo won't hurt him.

  6. Rub ice cubes on it until it hardens then pull it off.

    It works on carpets

  7. I think you'll just have to cut it out. I had a friend who got chewing gum stuck in her hair, we tried everything but in the end we had to resort to the scissors.

  8. use the ice cubes it should work just hold them on the gum until it gets cold and then it should just pull out.

  9. rub ice on them

  10. Peanut butter usually does the trick.  If you don't have some I'd run to the store.  Beware though- he'll definitely try to eat that! :)  Otherwise, you may have to cut.

  11. Cooking Oil? Vaseline? Baby Oil?  Something to soften the gum maybe so it will slide off instead of cutting it.  Just trying to help :)

    I also found these on internet:

  12. ha-ha if you have no ice cubes go make ice it's not very hard  water + freezer = ICE-CUBES :O, and if you have no peanut butter go the the local store and buy some :O  

  13. The best way I know to get gum out is to take cooking oil (vegetal or olive oil, whichever you have) and saturate the hair around the gum with the oil. Let it sit for about 15 or 20 minutes and the gum should slide right off.

  14. freeze it then pick it off :)

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