
How to get citicards to report credit limit to credit bureaus?

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i have a MasterCard from citi and has a high credit limit on it. I use it only occassionally and that's why balance is only a fraction of the total limit. But because citi card has not reported my credit limit to the bureaus, my credit score comes out very low with a negative remarks that i am maxed out on one card. Can someone please help me get citibank to report my credit limit to the agencies? I have tried their customer support for a couple of times but they either do not understand my request or they keep transfering my calls to wrong depts. Thanks




  1. Strange, so they're literally reporting your "high credit" (ie. the most you've ever charged to you card) instead of your credit limit?

    I'd escalate the call to a manager and point out that their system of reporting is skewing your credit report. Keep asking them to escalate the call until you get someone fairly knowledgeable.

    If that fails I'd send a letter to the credit bureaus disputing the information on your Citi card, include a copy of your most recent statement and highlight the credit limit portion. Demand the information be corrected on your report. They should correct it, they are REQUIRED to correct inaccurate or incomplete entries, and this is precisely what you have.

    The final option appears to be that if all else fails you could always loan yourself some money.

    Take one of their convenience cheques and write yourself a cheque for just less than your credit limit. Cash the cheque in your bank and wait for your next statement, then use the money in your account to pay off the credit card.

    It's kind of silly, but it would work as the card would now show the new amount as your "high credit".

    Hope this is some help!

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