
How to get clean for a drug test ?

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How to get clean for a drug test ?




  1. "Don't be stupid and don't do drugs" - that was really unhelpful (and rather stupid) and didn't answer the question. I believe that the question was intended to give advice to people who had presumably taken drugs at some point, and wanted to know if there was a way of 'flushing them out' - or what length of time needed to abstain before a test - not to ask for rather patronising and simplistic comments like these. It makes me really angry when ignorant, small-minded people label others who take drugs (which is the majority of the population) as stupid. Let me tell you now, there are far more intlelligent people than yourself honey who take drugs. And if you drink alcohol you are a drug-user too! (By the way your body does not differentiate between 'socially accpetable' drugs like alcohol - it is just another toxic and mind-altering chemical to your body). I take (illegal) drugs occaisionally and I am NOT stupid - and I lead a very productive, normal life thankyou. I can only assume by your prissy, judgemental attitude that you are American. Correct?

  2. well im not sure what type of drug it is you are trying to get out of the system.... im guessing weed since meth only stays in the system for like 3 days tops and im not 100% about coke but i know it dosnt stay as long as weed... ive been told a few different ways to get clean for a drug test like:

    - drinking alot of water and using the bathroom alot

    - drinking alot of cranberry juice

    - exercisee drink water and sweat alot

    - or buying something that is made to clean the system to pass a drug test

    one time when i was taking a drug test the profesional told me that when you first start to urinate what comes out first is what will hold the most evidence of drug use. im not saying that if you put the last bit of pee in the cup you will pass... im just saying they will get better results from the first bit.

    i tried that im not sure if it made a difference but i was sent in to take the test and i had no warning at all and ( this was years ago and stupid)  i had smoked meth the night before. i didnt smoke alot of weed but i used that tactic of using the last of the urine and i passed the test the only thing on the test was for marijuana it showed a light light blue but not a strong enough result to fail the test.

    all i can say is good luck!

  3. dont be stupid and dont take drugs is the best hting to do

  4. dont take drug they are not good for your health  

  5. A great way to get rid of anything in your system is to buy from I have used them in the past and the service is awesome. Family run operation that understands how you feel and how much privacy is a concern. Fantastic place, I can't say enough about it! They have home drug test kits too!

  6. dont do drugs or medicine

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