
How to get control of a class?

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Basicaly I teach a gang of kids I used to be their leader. I started karate when I was 7 when I was little I was always able to controll the class and get them to stray from the expected behavior. I quickly became the strongest girl because of all the extra pushups I did. Now I am 16 and my sensei has asked me to help teach kids classes (because no one else will) . The problem is there are some "gang members" who want their old leader back. some of the kids from when I was little are still training and they keep treating me like we are at the same rank and trying to get me to do stupid sh*t.

Well yesterday there was a new girl in class and shortly after meeting everyone she was in tears and when I asked the kids to find out what the heck was going on I got "she is weird, she stutters." And I gave it to them bullying really pisses me off. I told them if I heard anything more about them bulying I would tell the head instuctor.




  1. Very tough situation. I train in martial arts and I was also a teacher before I become a Neuroscientist.

    You have to drop the hammer on someone and flat out kick him or her out of class. There has to be a consequence. You may also want to inform them that people with any type of disability is not their fault. They were one small circumstance to being in that same positions. Explain to them that it is their job to help the new students feel comfortable and be especially supportive of people who are not as fortunate.

    I would drop the hammer in a public fashion in front of everyone. Maybe tell the student that they cannot attend the class if they continue, and if they do, extra work for them. Maybe one of the punishments could be to help that student. They have to learn that they are not special and picking on people is wrong.

    In summary, drop the hammer in public with a well thought out statement (firm, but something that teaches them something) and meet in private with each kid who is giving you a problem. Explain the consequences of such behavior, which is in 5-10 years the student will look back on this and realize that their actions in the present caused their future problems. Possibly give an example of a former student or person who never learned and is now in jail or paying a big price for their poor actions.

    I just hate bullies and really hate hearing stories of a new person being treated poorly.

  2. That is a tough situation, and a very common one. The greatest way to get the respect of the students is to show them how much better your ability is than theirs, i've never done karte before but i have instructed Rhee tae kwon do before. Whenever there was an unruly kid in the class i used to run a sparring session (non conctact) and partner up with the kid myself and show him/her the level i was at, which if you are instructing should be much much higher than theirs.

    9 times out of 10 ive found that this not only keeps them in line but earns their respect aswell. most kids will respect someone that has the potential to outdo everyone in the class.

  3. If they're "Gang members" and think they're hot ****, put them on the mat and use them for demonstrations of techniques to teach the rest of the class that wants to learn.

    Nothin works on someone who thinks they're tough quite as well as throwing them around to show the other students how to properly execute a technique :)

  4. I think you need to have a meeting with the class, yourself, and the Sensei.  Sensei needs to set the group straight on the chain of command, and set up consequences for insubordination or disrespect (talk it over with Sensei before hand - what would be good consequences -- sending bad ones out for a class? Direct to Sensei?).  Hopefully your Sensei will follow through.  If he doesn't, it will be a losing situation.

    And then don't let them intimidate you, or push you around.  Lock eye contact with them, stand up straight, and master the art of being 'unflappable.'  That means no screeching at them, flipping out, or backing down. It means being super calm, no matter what.  If you don't know how to react, take a minute to think about it, while you stare them down.  You might have to be super no-nonsense (and 'no fun') for awhile, until they can handle it.  In other words, embody the strictest, detached teacher you've ever had.  The kids will either fall into line, or get themselves thrown out.

    Oh, and if you want to gross them out, why not pour some ketchup on a pad and leave it in your bag?  That'll teach them to mess around with your stuff....  ;)

    PS - you might want to repost this in education-teaching.  You might get some more good advice from teachers!

  5. Get help for the stuttering child at  The only thing I know that may help you with the others is "don't let them know where your goat is tied."  That is what I was told many years ago when I did substitute teaching.  If you let kids know something upsets you, they will do it more and will be encouraged to do other things.  If nothing "get's your goat" and you just ignore the things they try, they usually stop.  Letting people know that they can enjoy life more if they change their attitudes and behavior and that you are there to help teach them what they didn't learn at home will work with most kids; I don't know about gang kids.  Ignoring negative behavior and praising good behavior often works, too.  

    Practice giving them the look of feeling sorry for them instead of being aggravated or mad at them.  You have risen above their mentality and are going places with your life.  They need to learn to do the same thing.

    Check for ways that you can help the one who stutters.  Learn about stuttering and help the others understand that she can't help the way she talks.  

    The more a stutterer tries not to stutter, the more they will.

    When other people slow their own speech down when talking to a stutterer, they find it easier to talk without stuttering.

    The stutterer may have been told to join the class to try to gain confidence and hopefully help lessen the stuttering; that won't work.

  6. punish them the honourable japanese way :)

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