
How to get controll of a class?

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Basicaly I teach a gang of kids I used to be their leader. I started karate when I was 7 when I was little I was always able to controll the class and get them to stray from the expected behavior. I quickly became the strongest girl because of all the extra pushups I did. Now I am 16 and my sensei has asked me to help teach kids classes (because no one else will) . The problem is there are some "gang members" who want their old leader back. some of the kids from when I was little are still training and they keep treating me like we are at the same rank and trying to get me to do stupid sh*t.

Well yesterday there was a new girl in class and shortly after meeting everyone she was in tears and when I asked the kids to find out what the heck was going on I got "she is weird, she stutters." And I gave it to them bullying really pisses me off. I told them if I heard anything more about them bulying I would tell the head instuctor.




  1. show them ur boobies

  2. They need to see you as a leader. Telling your superior on them means that you are running to others for help. You need to resolve any problems with them yourself. This way they will trust they you are on their side and not going to rat on them. This will not be easy and will probably come with some personal development from yourself. For now take the steps to  keep your belonging safe as you do to eliminate any trouble there. Be as positive and as encouraging as you can and be consistant in your behaviour. They need some time to adjust to your new position. If they try to antagonise you laugh it off an move on. If they are picking on others ask them not to and if they persist pull them individually aside. When they are on their own without the group you may find them easier to talk to. Just explain your situation to them, that you want to work with them to be the best that they can, but they are making it hard for you and themselves. Who will help them if you are not there? Be as mature as you can.

  3. who is allowing these people to post such stupid questions?

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