
How to get custody, and how much it costs?

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My daughter is 8 years old. Her father has custody of her. She has no sense of right and wrong, he does not discipline her at all. He has a disease that attacks his nervous system. He cannot take care of himself. He is on disability. His house is nasty, food, and trash cover the floors of his house. My daughter sleeps with him every night. There are many issues. Can anyone help?? I want to get full custody of her. Can anyone tell me how much and what are my chances? I live in Tennessee.




  1. you can file a motion in court yourself..a pro se motion..the court staff will direct you on how to do can file and serve the other party..have all your documentation in order to prove your case and the other parent's medical issues and your concerns to the judge

  2. To gain custody of someone you must go to court. If you think that your daughter is in immediate danger then report it to the authorities.

  3. I would get a lawyer if you can, there might be some kind of help in your state that will help you. You can call social services on him if hes not taking care of her right and his house is a mess.  You might be able to just go to the court house and file something for this.

    heres a link that might help you find out what you need to do, but you need to take him back to court.

    8 years old is way to old for her to be sleeping with him, call DHS

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