
How to get data from my laptop which has power ( the green lights come on) but nothing else happens.?

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Sony Vaio Green lights showing power getting through. Nothing happens thereafter. No sound whatsoever coming from the drive.No life on the screen. Is there any way I can retrieve my files for my new pc?




  1. remove your harddrive. Buy a laptop to usb converter. Plug drive into a desktop and copy stuff off as if it were a usb drive.

  2. all the above (the Vaio's usually use SATA 2.5" drives, so a small case for a sata 2.5" drive is what you'd look for)

    IF you don't have a 2nd PC, and don't have access to one that can be used to back up your data, you can take it to a computer shop and have them burn some DVD's for you of your HD. They will also install a new HD for you or test to see if

    1) your video burnt out

    2) your motherboard died

    3) your memory is fried

    4) your battery is flat and the charger isn't working or the jack for it is bad/etc

    It's not a good sign when it was previous working and doesn't even post- that means something really "bad" in the laptop world- unless it's just memory- bad memory or no power will keep a PC from booting.

    good luck!

  3. Take the hard drive out.   Buy an external 2.5 case (check to see whether it is IDE or SATA).  Put the hard drive in the case and bingo, you have yourself a portable hard drive/usb jump drive.  Let me know if you need help!

  4. try connecting a monitor

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