
How to get fairer skin...?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so I want fairer skin, I've thought a lot about this so there's no way you people can make me change my mind. I've tried mostly all natural home remedies but they failed. Now I'm looking to use creams, but there are so many out there that I have no clue which to pick. What do you suggest, gimme some that are tested n true. thanks all ♥




  1. Lemon's a natural bleacher.


    !!!!!!God makes NO Mistakes!!!!!!

  3. Well, I certainly would not try to change your mind. However, you were born with the skin you have. If you must, I have heard that you can get some lightening cream on the web site below. Just make sure you really check any creams out thoroughly. There are a lot of products and services out there that will do nothing for you except to empty your wallet. The ones that make the most miraculous claims are the biggest scams. Really, be happy with the way you are.

    Good luck!

  4. Thats a realy hard thing to do...I mean you have melanin in your body which means its going to darken your skin...whether you like it or can try to just stay out of the sun as much as possible...even being behind a window can tint your cover up and i don't care what anyone says there is NO skin cream or PILLS that will ever lighten your skin...only think you can do is get tattoed pig ment like what they do for birthmarks or moles...and its really expensive

  5. Xtreme Brite Lightening gel is great, and it also comes with a large bar soap.

  6. well, there's no way to CHANGE your natural skin tone, but you can prevent it from getting darker. wear sunscreen outside, where hats, protective gear, etc.

  7. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be tan.  Try something called Papaya Soap and stay away from the sun. Best of luck to you, little lady.

  8. thats wierd

  9. It's like Jergens "love the skin you're in"

  10. Do u mean like you want to get lighter? like what michael Jackson did?

    hmmm I think you would need to have a lot of money and go to a skin professional, I think you should just embrace your skin color im sure your beautiful just the way you are. :)

  11. Let us see a pic, I think naturally tan legs ans skin color are so s**y.

  12. Your best bet would be to ask Michael Jackson.  

  13. don't go out in the sun

  14. Nothing out there that I'm aware of.  

  15. Okay, I have to understand why you would want fair skin ~ I have it and people call me Casper, get a tan, they won't date me, and basically it has destroyed a lot of my self confidence but I have a skin issue called Vitilligo so I can't help it but if you want to trade then I will be happy to do it

    You should love that you have dark skin without having to pay for it

    Dust yourself in flour  

  16. i want fairer skin as well

    unfortunately, all i hear is "drink more water"

    so that's all i can tell you.

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