
How to get faster in track?

by Guest60996  |  earlier

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I run the 400 and occasionally the 800 and 200. How can I improve my quickness for the 400 and 200. Im a freshman and have plenty of time to put tons of hard work in. I just wanna know some additional things that i can do to get really fast. Im running with my distance track team who runs a 6 mile workout two days a week, a 5 mile easy day three days a week, and about 10 miles on sunday. Im running like 56.6 400s and like 24.9 200s... I need speed - HOW CAN I GET IT???




  1. I wouldn't do as long as of run as you're doing with the distance team. Honestly you need a program that fits you and only you. You need distance training but mid distance intervals. You should run this by your coach maybe they can help.

  2. Running distance is a great way to build endurance and stamina, but I'm not too sure it's the way to go on building speed. Try running a lot of 100s and 200s at consistant paces so you can better your times.

  3. Do two things. Get very strong and practice under distance sprints at your top speed. The fastest runners don't collapse at the ankle/knee at ground contact. So work up to heavy calf raises, dead lifts and hamstring curls. Also try altitude drops where you jump off a chair and stick the landing without collapsing at the ankle/knee. Work up to single leg drops. Remember to stay very relaxed while running and land on ball of foot.

  4. Monday-5k

    Tuesday-10 400s will all you've got and do 60 yard dashes in between

    Wednesday-4 1 mile sprints with 2 1200 meter between

    Thursday-15 100s with only a 30 second break in between and 7 400s and a 200 meter jog in between for a rest

    Friday-the worst day run start off with 2 1000 meter then 4 800s 6 600s 8 400s 10 100s take a 30 second break in between then do 1 2 mile run and a 1 mile walk

    Saturday-take it easy with a 3 mile run

    Sunday-take the day off and let you body heal this is the day your muscles will repair making them bigger and making you faster

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