
How to get from Ilford train stn. to Aldgate East?

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How to get from Ilford train stn. to Aldgate East?




  1. Catch any train from Ilford to Liverpool Street, then walk across the concourse to the underground entrance and catch the Hamersmith & City line towards Barking. Its only a couple of stops & if you time it right you should do it in about 40 minutes

  2. Well over the next few days walking as the Tube is on strike

  3. Take a train to Stratftord,

    Cross-platform interchange onto the Central Line. Get off at the next stop, Mile End.

    Cross-platform interchange again. Any train from that platform (District Line or Hammersmith and City Line) will take you to Aldgate East.

    [Avoid taking up the other ideas of changing at Liverpool Street - unless you want to undergo the long hike across the concourse, down various steps and through a warren of unsavoury subways]

  4. Overland to Liverpool street, then change onto the hammersmith and city line and it's one stop.  just follow the signs in the station.

    Or you can walk from liverpool street but it can be confusing if you don't know the way.

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