
How to get girlfriend to miss me?

by  |  earlier

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lately, my girlfriend of almost a year doesn't text me as much as before and doesn't seem to miss me as much. i guess it's because i tend to buy her stuff she wants and does everything for her. its like she sort of takes for granted that im there? how do i get her to miss me and to make her feel that she needs me?? or wanting her to go on dates with me more?




  1. Take some extra literacy lessons.

  2. try this

    stop buying her presents and be indifferent if she starts being nice and texting you back then she needs you if she stops all together then she's found someone else

  3. k, dude. I WARN YOU.  

    you're entering rough territory here.  But you have it right...yeah she's taking for granted that you're there.  I learned this the to the point where she was completely disinterested in me and broke up with me and i was the only one doing the texting and calling anymore really.

    So you want to make her miss you?  a) stop buying here things/giving her massages ALL the time..just do it when she's done something to earn it (like cooks you a big dinner, or gives you something exxtra nice in bed)

    b) back right off...time makes the heart grow give her her space..and you yours to go out with you friends and do whatever you as a man wants to do..this is ABSOLUTELY essential if you want to keep this girl.  You cant make her miss you if you're always there!!!

    c) don't seem needy or dependent on her.  this is a biggie too.  You cant call her asking "why dont you text me anymore?" and stuff like that.."why cant we hang out?"'s annoying and females HATE it.

    email me if you have any questions man i can help you out with this one.  

  4. I guess you get her wrong. Once your position in her heart is granted, she has got other things to busy on. Give her some space of her own.

    Anyway, now and then you meet each other. As long as she loves you and you love her. That`s the very important thing.

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