
How to get girlfriend to stop eating?

by  |  earlier

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She stopped smoking and is replacing nicotine with carbs.




  1. Tell her she's not "smoking" in more ways than one.

  2. replace the carbs with you.. have funn... : )  : ) : ) +wink wink+

  3. get her to start running,or some other kind of cardio,  and that means you should probably start doing it too, to get her motivated. other wise she might balloon up, as it usually happens when people quit and don't start exercising  

  4. 50-100 mg of 5-HTP daily will kill those carb cravings

  5. im guessing this girlfriend is a tad overweight.. welll the choices are i would say is either have her go to a hypmotist which iv heard really does work...or just motivate her tell her you dont wanna be around somebody whos gunna eat nonstop... take her to a nutritionist and i dont kno just talk to her about how you feel.

  6. Get her to eat something else like apples or carrots.  

  7. tell her to stop that.

  8. Stop being a d**k of a boyfriend...

  9. Well, Doug, she is your girlfriend and it's okay to notice such things.  The next step is how to help, not hinder.

    It's great your girlfriend has stopped smoking.  That's a big step and the last thing you want to do is make her feel so insecure she returns to her old, comfortable habit.

    I think that rather than suggest she stops eating so much (that won't go down well I can assure you), suggest that you both go for a regular walk, bike ride, something together so that you are both benefiting in the process.  In this way, you are supporting her and both getting something out of it.

    All the best to both of you. :-)

  10. I agree with that one guy.That's rude..It's her body not yours.Controlling much?

  11. Maybe try and get hr some thing to occupy her mind. When I quit smoking after being a smoker for 6 years, I made a match stick traction engine. This kept my hands and mind busy for over a month. Worked for me. It wont be long until the nicotine is all out of her system and she will be back to normal

  12. Break it to her, tell her to stop eating

  13. don't worry about it

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