
How to get girls and guys to talk to me ?

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I'm 14 and i would like lots of girls to talk to me. Like there are some girls who do but i really want hot ones to talk to me to. I also have a little git of trouble on talking to guys that i want to be friends with. So what should i do here?




  1. The Courage come from within. Usually the hardest part is getting the courage to talk but once you do -Trust Me- It gets way easier. Sometimes to make friends you just have to get over your fears what ever they may be. Like getting caught up in your words or being embarrassed but the Truth is that there is nothing to be afraid of or worried about. Walk up to them, ask them a normal question like what they think about a certain teacher or something and then if they don't blow you off, Introduce yourself. You would seem very nice.

    I hope it helps

    Oh yeah, and hot girls, don't be so quick to judge, open up to other girls that aren't so attractive too. Then the other "hot" girls might think your nice and sensitive ((because thats how a lot of them think)

  2. Well to start try being more outgoing or friendly. Smile more and laugh a lot. seem like your having a lot of fun with the people your with and others will want to join you so they can have fun too! maybe dress nicely too and be polite.ALSO if you want girls.. be funny.. you can get ANY girl if your funny, we just love guys that can make us laugh and feel confortable

  3. do nothing because if u try to change yourself for other people to like u then u wont like yourself believe me

  4. well,just like talk to everyone and say hey or something make everyone laugh which is s**y so then the hot girls will like your s**y way of being funny and

  5. well you what sometimes the UGLY girls are the one with the best personality. Stop pushing for HOT girls. All right?! You are too young for a girlfriend. Im 16 and im not pushing. Just wait. and for the guys

    just go up to them and say HEY wassup dawg..

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