
How to get glas out of your eye?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i broke a lightbulb and some of the glass went into my eyes, its really irritating is there any where to get it out without visiting an eye docter and is it dangerous its been in my eye for 2 days now, thanks




  1. Be very careful. The glass could seriously scratch your eye and make it become infected. Get an eye wash (should be available at your local drug store) and carefully try to wash it out. If that doesn't work go see a doctor or go to an urgent care.

  2. do you REALLY have glass in your eye? cuz if u do i dont hink youd be on

  3. You are so dumb, you only have one set of eyes. get your *** in gear and get to a Dr. now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You need to see a doctor. Even the smallest little speck of glass, not visible to the eye, can have catastrophic vision loss as it's result.

    I do mean RUN to the emergency room, having someone else drive you, or dial 911.

  5. omg sucks to be you, maybe itll leave out of pity

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