
How to get in ANY university???

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im a 15 year old in 10th grade. everyone is telling me its time to start thinking about college. so my question is how do i get into a good university? i dont want to go to a "college", i wanna go to a university because i plan to get my bachelor's anyway. i dont care what university as long as its a university. any advice?




  1. As someone who honestly JUST finished the college application and process, and is now a freshman at a top university, this is the best advice I can give you:

    - First off, you should really start researching universities now.  I wouldn't so much just try to get into ANY good school, but one that fits you.  You should think about things like how big of a school you want to go to, if you wanna be close to home, if you want your school to feel like a campus or is a school that's spread out all of a city ok?  Do you wanna live close to the beach or in a secluded mountain setting?  Do you want you school to be famous for it's academic or it's parties?  A really good website to use would be  That is the organization that runs the SAT test, and has a lot of helpful search tools for searching for universities based on what YOU like.  There are so many wonderful schools in this country alone, some with more well known names than others, and that website will really help you out.  Also, if you find a school that you really want to go to, finding out about any potential summer programs they have is a great way to show interest early.

    - Secondly, there's is almost no guarantee to get into ANY university you like.  Getting into college today is a very competitive process, but if you want to up you chances of being a top competitor, first and foremost are your grades.  All four years count, so if you can keep your GPA as high as possible by always trying your hardest, doing extra credit or summer school, and getting ahead, colleges will definitely take notice.  Always aim for your very best, and the results will follow.  However, your GPA is just a small part of it.  Your SAT or ACT scores are also crucial, and if you don't know much about the test sor how to prepare, again,  There are test prep courses, but they can often be very expensive.  Finally, colleges really appreciate it when you show that you are passionate about something.  Whether it's a sport, some type of art, or maybe a special interest in a social issue, try and do something to show you care.  Community service initiatives are always great, or years on varsity sports teams, or participation in school theater productions.   Pretty much, find something you love, and run with it.  

    A lot of people end up feeling overwhelmed by the whole process, but honestly, if you start now, you'll do fine : )  Just do your personal best at all times and in all that you do, and you'll have your pick of great universities.  

    Wow, that was long, but I hope I've helped in some way.

  2. University and college are the same thing--the only difference is that universities have a graduate school, while colleges are only for undergrads (and if you went to go to grad school, you just go to another one.)

    To be a strong candidate for the top colleges, you should have at least 3 AP classes, a 3.7+ GPA, above a 2000 on the SATs, and extracurriculars.

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