
How to get in shape for volleyball?

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hey in about a month im thinking about joining volleyball, what are some things that will make me better? also for better serves and hits what are some good weight lifting moves that target those muscles? thank you!




  1. if you have stairs then run up and doen them for a good 5 min a day also walk/run on your tiptoes for a cople of days i t will help you with ur leg musles

    for your arms go to a gym and pass and sett repeldy on a wall

    serves  for good over hand serves put a long pice of tape about the feet off the gound on to the wal spike the ball on the gound and have it hit the wall below the tape and you want it to go above the tape after it hits the wall

    you could aslo do track befor and a fer to keep you in shap for volley ball and lift some dum bells

  2. Focus on your core strength, that's going to help you the most.  Core strength really helps you to develop more power behind the ball when spiking or serving and makies for a more effective block.  Really any ab workout is going to help you, but I'd suggest planks (similar to a pushup position except you make your hands into one fist and your forearms are on the floor) and leglifts (when your on your back and lift bothe legs to a certain height and hold them there).  Wall sits also help you to develop your thigh muscles.  And basic weightlifting helps.

         Really practice is key.  Go over your basic footwork (transitions off of the net & spike approaches).  try to develop faster footwork by doing plyometric drills (sprints, jumping over cones, footwork working with rope ladders [running sideways through them like on the football commercials]).  Practice your blocking and do excercises such as jumping with your knees trying to touch your chest to get more height.

          Also a tip for better serves, use your hips the faster you swing your hips the more power your going to get behind the ball.

  3. running- gets your legs strong, run 2-4 miles per week. if ur a beginner i guess 1 would be ok. up hill helps a lot too! gets ur legs strong and you get quicker for plays and runthroughs.

    push ups, pull ups, holding the push up postion  (2-3 min intervals)- gets your arms strong for hitting and blocking.

    crunches, holding urself up on elbows, sit ups, legs strait in the air and touch ur toes crunches, hold ur legs and arms off the ground on ur stomach as long as u can hold- gets ur stomach and core strong for hitting and snapping on the ball and for serving

    leg weights, reapeated froggies, firecrackers  (push up position, crouch postion, jump up, back down to crouch, and jump out to push up position)- to help you with ur jumping and vertical

    and of course, practice ur skills

  4. go to open gyms or camps and you will see the improvement right before your eyes

  5. play basketball it helps

  6. Well u cant target anything when you work out your whole body benefits from it.So run for endurance. or since volleyball is a very fast paced sport and u have to run from dead stop; what i do and 20 sprints from fence to fence to quicken your feet. you could hit a ball against a wall for practice setting or bumping. you could hit the ball really close to the wall so it bounces off the ground off the wall back to you to practice spikes and push ups and chin ups for arms. do squats and lunges and leg lifts with weights on them for leg strength since volleyball is all in the legs. and just play with your friends and exercise an hour a day.

    hope i helped. and hope you make the team

  7. The training program I use to stay in shape for volleyball includes a lot of upper body strengthening.  Bench press, curls, pull ups...

    it depends a lot on what position you want to play.

    D/S or other defensive positions you should work on leg strength more than upper body strength.

    For hitting you need arms, shoulders, and even fingers.  For fingers i suggest just holding the plates that you would put on the bench press bar.

    If you want to set it is also upper body strength.

    For any of the positions you need to stay in shape by running and other cardio exercises.

    Also crunches, push-ups, and things like that.

  8. Start running to build up your endurance.  I would also do some curls with some dumb bells to improve your arm swing on your shots.  I would try jumping rope  to improve your balance and coordination.  Practice hitting a volleyball with a variety of shots.  Cup your hands together and try hit the ball over a net.  Jump up and practice serving a volleyball with a friend or two.  Don't be afraid to work on your digging.  Practice getting on the floor to dig and hit balls when the ball comes your way.

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