
How to get in the mood to clean up? ?

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I'm supposed to be cleaning up...But I honestly don't feel like it. My sisters and one of my nieces are coming in two days for my dad's birthday but I don't feel like cleaning. My mom wrote me a list of things to do PLUS laundry. How can I get in the mood to clean up? Our house is a complete mess(Okay its just cluttered a little) and I have to do most of the living room. How can I get in the mood to do it? I only have 3 and half hours to do it because I have to go babysit at 5:30 to like 7.




  1. Look at a really clean house and say i want my house to be like that! Or yell germs!!!

  2. turn on your fav radio station really loud

    or think about how mad your mom would be if u didnt

  3. i've found that if i get really angry cleaning helps to productively get rid of my anger

  4. Yeah, put on your favourite CD, dance around crazily to it for about five minutes, then get tidying.

  5. Really loud music always helps me

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