
How to get into college if you didn't go to school?

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I never even finished first grade because my parents took me out of public school because they didn't want me to have out influences, whatever that means.

I was supposed to start homeschooling but I never did and I've been lying about being in homeschooled for the past 12 years, is there anyway I'll ever get into a college I'm 17 btw,

please help!




  1. Yes, but it depends on your state. In California anyone 18 years old may enroll in community college even without a high school diploma.

  2. Yep....decide which college(s) you wish to go to, then simply call them and ask what they'd like to see from you! Here, colleges and unis have their own 'special admissions procedures' for people like us who don't have the conventional school stuff to support their application. Assuming you're in the US, they're more likely to be interested in SAT scores and seeing what you have been doing with yourself the last 12 years. If you're at all worried about your ability to handle the SAT etc, there are sample papers online and you can sign up for questions to try if you go to the college board website. Reading your post though, I'm pretty darn sure you'll have no problems handling the English language questions so as long as you can manage some straightforward maths, you should be good!

    Btw, I'd have to go with glurpy; you may not think you've been 'homeschooled' as such but you clearly have been home-educated! I reckon you have just fallen into one of the 'traps' that convinced the powers-that-be in my country to go with the term 'home-education' and not 'homeschool'. What you did at home does *NOT* have to bear much, if any, resemblance to what goes on in schools to still be education. In fact it is often better if it does not! Just compare your literacy and fluency with that of some of the conventionally schooled 17 year olds for a start.  

    (We're unschoolers. I could say we've never started homeschooling either as never in our lives have we bothered with a single lesson or test or teacher or schedule or school text or workbook or worksheet or pass/fail mark or grade or any of that 'schoolie' stuff; never having done any of that stuff hasn't stopped my older siblings from getting into their first choice university or my (then) 15 yr old brother taking exams meant for older teens and coming in the top 99th percentile of the 18 and 19 yr olds in the state though!)

  3. GED is the first step.  Contact your local high school and ask where to go to get your GED.  They will give you the name of the adult basic education school (for adults who want their GED or diploma).  Make arrangements to meet with a teacher.  They will give you a practice GED to determine your strengths and limitations.  When you practice test at a certain level, then you can take the real thing.  Once that is all completed, then you can contact colleges and ask about what you need to do to be admitted.

  4. Yes-study for your GED. And then start taking community college. They will help you catch up. Your parents are lame!

  5. I'm sorry, but even if your parents didn't teach you, you were homeschooled. Maybe unschooled, but homeschooled. You've obviously learned something since you write much better than a 1st grader. :)

    You check into the colleges you'd like to go to and find out admission requirements. You'll probably have to take SATs, maybe write an admission's test or provide a portfolio. It'll depend on the college. Of course, another option would be to go to a community college, which will have fewer requirements, and transfer over to a regular college after you have some credits under your belt.

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