
How to get into equine sports massage therapy??

by Guest59596  |  earlier

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im considering a career as an equine sports massage therapist, just wondering if anyone could tell me how to get into this i.e what courses and any additional information as i cant find much on the internet that would would be great thanks :)




  1. You have to find out what kind of classes, training and licensing requirements there are in your state regarding working with animals.  There are a few states that require that you become a licensed massage therapist for people in order to work on animals.

  2. Help out at an equine vets - even if it just helps on your CV or as experience.

    have a look at this as well -

  3. the only type of info i have is on acupuncture, and if you would like to do that try to get in texas a&m, the have special classes in that

  4. Here is a link to Equissage - it will give you loads of info. Just check state laws and make sure they don't require you to be a vet. There was a cover story on AOL yesterday about a lady who was certified to do human massage and was practicing on horses and they shut her down. She's fighting it and should win, but check your state laws to be safe.

  5. vvanking off horses is called beastiality and is illegal in most countries

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