
How to get into this type of modeling?

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ok, I'm 15 and I know I wouldn't be able to get into yet.

but I'm interested in bikini/lingerie modeling and also the kind of modeling like pictures with the woman next to to perfume bottles that kind of modeling but I don't really know what it's called.

I know it sounds like I'm not really that into because I don't know what it's called but I really am.

I want to know what kind of look these people are mostly going for within the modeling I want to do and how I can get into when I'm older.

thank you x




  1. If you're really serious about getting into modeling:

    First, stay away from Barbizon, JRP, Casablanca's and any of the other modeling schools posing as agencies. Any agency asking for money up front is a scam.

    As you said in your question you're a little young to get right into the area of work you mentioned but you should start getting experience in front of the camera, learning how to pose and start networking yourself in the industry.  Starting early will give you an advantage in the market once you're ready.

    I would highly recommend visiting or Model Mayhem. They're both huge online communities for the industry. You can network, find local photographers (many of which will help you build a portfolio for free) and depending on your area you may even find work. As with anything on the Internet DO YOUR RESEARCH. Check references before working with anyone and always bring someone with you to any shoot.

    If you have any other questions feel free to contact me

  2. You can go to a modelling agency and try to get signed.  Some models only do print or catalog work and make a good living from it.

  3. honestly i think your way too young to do lingerie, you should just stick to different kinds of modeling. google modeling agents that can help you get gigs and tell you what kind of modeling is right for you.

  4. Your too young at the moment, but sign your self up for modelling ages, (online and offline).  

  5. Unfortunately the lingerie and bikini models pretty much onky accept people with "perfect bodies." So, depending on your height, I'd say you don't even have a chance at modeling if you weigh over 130.

    And you pretty much need a flawless face for that too...

    As to actually getting into modeling, i"m less sure.

  6. You SkaaaaaaaaaaanKah.

    Lingerie is for sexually active people.

    You best NOT have s*x beFore Marriage or you willl get pregnant and die or worse, pregnant

    You are probably too skinny and Buttifull for it anyway

    Do normal modeling.

    Rub some dirt on it hunnybun.

    Fredricks is a great place to go, My best friend in the WHOLE long world enjoys their lingerie on a daily basis.

    Good Luck HunyBunch


  7. first try something like this: and see if you can get in top 10, so you will know that probably you have the ability to be a model!

  8. if you want to ok go to collage so if something bad happens then you can get a job  

  9. I tried this thing called ITS auditions and it was really great, they specialize in modeling! I just wasn't that into it. They tour everywhere in America looking for Talent and it's a really great way to get agents and more auditions for commercials and modeling.

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