
How to get kids to eat fruits?????????????

by  |  earlier

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Do you have any ideas for some tasty, easy to make, recipes that would make some sort of fruit appealing to children who are used to pigging out on cinnimon rolls, cheetos, and other junk?




  1. Stop buying the junk food, and make only healthy choices available... Kids will eat ANYTHING- when they get hungary enough!  :)

  2. Try feeding them different types of fruit, lots taste really yummy. I remember when I was a kid though we made apples that were baked with cinnamon. If they love cinnamon rolls they could like these.  

  3. try to make fruit cakes. Its yummy n' it is made from fruits. Make the cake also look delicious even if you are looking at it.

  4. Try mixing sliced/cut fruits with their favorite eatables.Also fruit salads(sliced fruits in different proportions to taste)might get attractive enough

  5. make a fruit pie.or add lots of fruits to their food

  6. Make homemade popsicles out of the fruit juice.

  7. One way to start would be to give them fruit sundaes. Take some vanilla or butter pecan ice cream, for example, and slice in chunks of fresh peaches or nectarines.

  8. Uhm,you can try taking your kids to burger king and get them the new Apple Fries. they're apples shaped like fries. i had the same problem with my baby brother so i took him to BK and got him the Apple Fries. he told me he liked them becuase htey were shaped like freis. so that might work

  9. Growing up, my siblings and I LOVED fruit and vegetables, and we never turned it down.

    I have had problems like this with my cousins. You should just let them dip it in peanut butter, caramel, and other sweet dips... just don't give them too much. Control their amount.

    Also, you can coat things with sugar and juices. Just mix sugar and a juice, then coat it with a brush and put it in the fridge.

  10. you should ask them what's their FAVORITE FRUIT and buy it or you can make them into yummy smoothies if they like that! :D

    GOOD LUCK! (:

  11. you should make a smoothie for them with little bit of oats, a whole banana or half a mango, 3 tablespoons yogurt and enough milk to cover all the ingredients. put that in a blender and blend. once you make these, you don't need need to know how much to put in.

    good luck and i hope they like it!

  12. Smoothies, smoothies made into ice cream/popsicles, fruit tarts/pies, fruits cut into shapes or arranged to make a face, banana split sundaes, fruit on top of cereal or pancakes, fruit with cool whip or in crepes, fruit in jello, fruit kabobs...that's all I can think of right now.  I have kids who love fruit, so it's hard for me to picture someone who doesn't.  Fruit is sweet & definitely easier to eat than vegies.

    Have them try different fruits, not just apples & oranges.  There are so many out there: coconuts, mangos, papayas, blackberries, kiwis, pomegranates, star fruit, etc.

    If they're old enough, get them involved in picking them out at the store, cutting them, and preparing them.  My daughter loves helping me & l*****g the spoon!

  13. smoothie, popcicles of pureed fruit, etc.

  14. let them pick out fruits that they would want a good way too is to be creative with it let them fool aorund

  15. If you don't buy the junk they can't eat it.  Buy all healthy foods and only give junk as an occasional treat.

    Fill your fridge with fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and bottles of water.

    The soda and the juice have to go.  Kids need fruit, but most fruit juices contain high fructose corn syrup and other not-so-healthy things.  Both soda and juice can actually dehydrate your child in the hot summer months.

    You can make fruit salads, fruit jams, and bake fruit into food.

    Instead of making brownies, make an angel food cake and top it with fresh strawberries and blueberries.

    Healthy eating should start from birth, but it's never too late to clean up your children's diet.  Lead by good example and dump the junk for fruit and vegetables.

  16. Give them fruit.

    Don't give them junk.

  17. slice apples and dip them in carmel or peanut butter.

  18. If they like cinnamon rolls, a tiny bit of cinnamon sugar on freshly sliced apples tastes delicious :)

  19. smoothies!


  20. stop buying junk food. When I was growing up there was no junk food in our house and no chocolate or other sweets. We only had fruit and veggies.

    Get rid of bad food, they will get hungry and will start eating it.

    If you introduce apples while still having Doritos in the house, it is not going to work.

  21. try smoothies and fruits dipped in carmel or chocolate like carmel apples or strawberry's dipped in chocolate if nothing works try to bribe them by saying something like if u eat your fruits and veggies for a week i will buy u a game or something they like also try to make the food look cool and fun to eat like slicing apples and arranging the slices to look like a sun or something

                             GOOD LUCK

  22. Bake apples with cinnamon and serve warm with frozen yogurt.

    Banana splits with frozen yogurt, strawberries, raspberries and cherries

    Peach Melba with raspberry sauce and vanilla frozen yogurt.

    (Sensing a theme here?)


    good luck!!

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