
How to get/make money fast, like in the next 3 hours??

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to get at least $20 to go somewhere with my best friend 4 her b-day. And my mom and dad will not give me money. So i have 2 problems........ I dont have a way to her house which is in Spanish Lake andi dont have any money to go some where. Please help!!!!!!!




  1. ask neighbors if you can earn money.

    like yard work.

  2. Cut some peoples lawns for money u can charge 5-10 a lawn and make it in time for your friends b day... have fun and gl!

  3. If they will not give you money. See if they will let you earn the money by doing some chores. You can always go outside and pick a $20 from the money tree. =D

  4. yeah, do some chores real quick

    maybe your parents will give you some money

    and they wont give you a ride?!

    thats too weird.. what are you gonna do? get a taxi?

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