
How to get memory foam clean??

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I have one of those 2inch memory foams and now after being slept on for a few months it smells really bad and i dont know how to get the smell out of it since i can't exactly throw it in the washing machine. I tried febreez but that just made it smell even worse...

Any suggestions or should i just get a new one??




  1. I would take it outside and put it on a tarp. Put some woollite mixed in a pail of water on it and then rinse with vinegar and water. Try squeezing as much water as you can out and then use towels to get it as dry and you can by pressing them on and pulling out as much water as you can.

    If you have a place to hang it outside that is even better but as long as its a nice day and you have got almost all the water out with towels the sun should dry the rest. It will smell a lot fresher after being outside all day.  

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