
How to get milk and juice smell?

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out of sippy cups? how to get milk and juice smell out of sippy cups. i sometimes for get to watch out the cups so the milk or juice just sits in it and then it smells really bad. and i think my daughter can taste it when she drinks out of them so she does not like drinking out of the sippy cups. so how can i get the smell out of them? or should i just throw them out and get new ones?




  1. Vinegar works for me. Fill cup up with water, and add some vinegar. Let soak for a couple of hours.

  2. You should def. if you aren't going to wash them right away...soak them in some hot water with a little dish soap.  But to fix the problem can try soaking them in a little white vinegar for about 10 minutes and then wash them

  3. soak in vinegar.  

  4. thank you for asking this question. i have the exact same problem and it drives me crazy. for the people who answered vinegar do you do a vinegar and water mixture and how much vinegar to water do you use?

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