
How to get motivated to start running?

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i want to start running but its so hard to start

however once i get outside and start it seems easy

the only problem is starting

help please!!!!




  1. take your shirt off and just stare at yourself for a while. you'll be out there soon enough

  2. I have found that while running with the cross country team at the high school that running with a group is much more inspiring and competitive than running alone. I got so much fitter in the team than on my lonesome. fit enough in fact to travel to the usa and compete in races.

    I find managing my day helps to provide time for excercise. get everything done that you need to and then have time left to run. if you get everything done the footpath to me is a lot more appealing than the couch!

  3. What works for me is keeping a mileage log. I don't run great distances, but my 2-3 miles a day adds up. I break the mileage into distances that I can fathom, I'm just finishing up the distance between Denver and Colorado Springs (63 miles) and next up is Colorado Springs to Santa Fe (300 and some). The distances are obtainable and it helps to have something I can look at.

  4. You can edge songs while jogging Oh, for a period of time will persist as long as the formation of habits, to be run at night, when the morning air than good, very comfortable. Encourage their own.

  5. You need to make it an easy habit to start.  Promise yourself you'll run everyday. Start with something very short and easy.


    I know that every day I am going to workout no matter what.  Either I am going to the gym or doing my "come h**l or high water" workout.

    My "no matter what" workout before my head hits the pillow looks like this:

    50 Pushups

    100 Jumping Jacks

    50 Bodyweight Squats

    50 Burpees

    50 Crunches.

    Whether I have been traveling all day, out partying, etc., I do this workout every single night that I don't follow my regimen.  I've done it in an airport at 5am.  I've done it half drunk after a night of partying.

    But I didn't start out this way.  I started like this..

    5 Pushups

    10 Squats

    10 Crunches


    Very low numbers I knew I could do.  I slowly increased it each day.  

    After about 1 month it became a habit.  Now I rarely do the workout unless Its very late at night or I am traveling because I have made activity a part of my life.  

    So for you, you need the same sort of plan for your running.  Plan a distance you know you'll run no matter what.  Even if you have jeans on, you throw your shoes on and take off.

    I prefer sprints because of the short distance. If you are a woman or live in a bad part of town, you can sprint 100ms several times and never be out of sight from where you live.  And  get a killer workout that burns fat like crazy.  Far superior to long distance in my humble opinion.

  6. the way i start off is i get really angry at something or someone, for example if someone calls me a rude name, or i think of something that upset me in the past, thats the way i change how i feel about it.

    i dont know if that makes sense haha but goodluck

  7. Run with your friends! It makes it a lot more fun!

  8. run with friends so its not boring, and run on trails by like a river or somewhere scenic

  9. think of the gurls u cant get. then if u do u would

  10. do coke

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