
How to get mt rat to eat?

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my rat is sick and underweight i have been advised by the vet to make sure he gains weight to ensure his treatment is more affective. he doesn't usually feel like eating but when he does he doesn't eat that much. any ideas of what to feed him to help him put on weight and how to help him eat?

it would be of great help.





  1. Hi Kate,

    I am sorry to hear your pet is ill.

    Some foods that are great for adding some extra weight on rats are :

    Sunflower seeds

    Meat like chicken, beef etc because of the added protein.

    Ensure (formula normally used for ill people, contains loads of healthy vitamins and minerals)

    Infant Soy Formula

    Some of the not so healthy option but ok for occasions where the animal is not eating are:


    Dairy whip

    Yoghurt (small amounts)


    Basically offer anything that is safe for rats to eat. At times like this nutrition has to take a back seat.

    Here is a list of safe foods to offer just for some ideas

    Hope your little one gets better soon.

  2. Here's some excellent things to feed underweight/sick rats: Avocado (take only the middle meat, the meat nearest the pit and rind has toxins), soy baby formula, baby food, scrambled eggs, Nutri-Cal (high calorie supplement paste for cats and dogs who are sick/not eating, can be found in many pet stores).

    Good luck with the poor little guy.

  3. It is normal. When he is sick he would not like to eat too much. Just keep the food available to him. When he recovers slowly he will eat again soon. But you can get him injected some nutrition to keep him healthy first.  

    Actually do not force him to eat. Eating is animal's instinct, so you don't need to worry too much.

    All the best.

  4. I once was watching Better Homes & Gardens and Dr Harry said Sunflower seeds make rats really fat. That might work!

    Good Luck! =)

  5. He at leasts needs water! if he dosnt eat he needs at least 2 sips of water,Keep the food next to him,And water,It will be fine,But make sure it drinks or it will die!

  6. when my rat was ill (she had a tumor) she found it hard to eat by herself because the tumor was effecting her balance. So I just made her comfy on my lap and hand fed. She would take water off a spoon, which kept her hydrated and she also took yogurt. This is very good for sick rats as it has a lot of nutrients and if you feed it to your rat off a spoon he will be able to eat without being uncomfortable. Just keep also offering his favorite foods, anything to get the weight back on so the little guy can maximize his chances. Good luck and I hope your little ratty gets better :)

  7. I hope you arent feeding your rat a boring diet. Try giving him some meats - like ham or a bit of chicken. My rat would love it.

  8. Well my rat had a tumor before and we had it tookin off and about a year or less later the tumor(s) were coming back and he lost allot of weight and the turmors were growing inside of him and then we had to get him put down. So get him checked out by the doctor again.

  9. If he really needs to eat, what does he like? Does he like apples? If so, give him some applesauce baby food. Does he like peas? If so, offer him some baby food peas. Baby food is a great substitute for solid food for sick rats. Be cautious about giving him gassy foods like broccoli, though. He can't vomit or pass gas and can get very sick or even die. Most rats also like sunflower seeds. I know they are a treat for mine, but because they are high in fat, they might help him gain some weight back.

    Good luck and please keep us updated on his condition.

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