
How to get my 14 month old to eat other things?

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So my son is 14 months old and all he will eat is pancakes and pizza rolls. How can I get him to eat other stuff I give him? I dont want him to think that he can get whatever he wants to eat. Is this something I just should give into or let him decide if he wants to eat what is given to him adn if he doesnt then he doesnt get anything else? HELP




  1. You have the idea. Just give him what is for breakfast, lunch, or dinner-NO special menus for him, and if he doesn't want to eat initially, then I guess he won't eat. Just be persistant and soon he'll shift into a varied eater. Our kids pretty much eat EVERYTHING, and I think it's just because we never catered to picky eating. There is NOTHING wrong with giving them what they just love every so often, but we can't just give them their favorites every day. Pancakes and pizza rolls all the time is SUPER bad for him. Once a week would be fine. But for now, probably not at all until he gets into the routine of eating normally.  

  2. Sometimes you have to offer a food to a toddler lots of times before they'll even taste it.  Try making some healthy things and offering them at the same time as something he likes.  My kids would never eat veggies, but I always put them on the plate anyway.  Eventually my DD started asking for broccoli and green beans.  it took months, but they eventually started eating them.

  3. Typical toddlers will eat when anyone else is eating and will usually eat whatever anyone else is eating.  Try making yourself something that you want to eat and see is he'll come up to you and try a bite.  That's how I got my 13 month old daughter to eat other things. She just wants whatever mommy or daddy has because she thinks she's a big girl then.  Good Luck

  4. You pay for the groceries/food! You should make the meal for whatever you would like, and if he doesn't like it-he doesn't have to eat it. Simple as that.

    He will get tired of making his own food and eventually give in and actually try the meals and start eating variations of food!

    If not, try sneaking in a lot of healthy food into one.

    Ex.) Pizza toppings

  5. My daughter is 2 and is a great eater.  Here's the trick, do not give in to his pleas.  If he's really starving (I know you're worried about that) he will eat anything in front of him.  It often takes up to 4 or 5 tries on a certain food for a baby to tolerate the taste.  Everything is new to him--make it enjoyable.  Sit with him and eat what he's eating--make a huge production about how good it tastes.  Tell him to look at the colors, texture, and taste of the food.

    I have also used Jessica Seinfeld's book to sneak vegetables into everyday meals so that my child gets all the nutrients she needs and has no clue she's eating spinach!

  6. My daughter goes through these phases also.  (we're on pancakes now too)  I just keep putting veggies and fruit in front of her,  hoping she'll realize they aren't going away.  Occasionally she'll sneak a nibble.  Don't give up or give in...  he'll eat if he's hungry.  My mom always said...  "starvation is a long process"  You'll both be OK.

    Good Luck.

  7. let him watch you eat something, and smile and make enjoyable noises while eating it, then feed it to him.

  8. whose the adult here? let your son cry and he will eat whats in front of him when he gets hungry enough.( I am a father of two and it works!)

  9. Have you given him other choices? He needs to eat a bit healther, less processed foods. Does he want to eat from your plate? My son eats what I eat, so I give him rice, beans, homemade chicken soup, eggs, bananas. He eats whatever I fix for him, he also loves the yogurt melts from gerber. Try feeding him other things. Give him choices.

  10. Um, you'd better win this one soon, my friend.

    Your 14 month old only wants what everyone else wants---to rule the world. It would be unwise for you to allow this. You must have him eat what is in front of him, put only what you want him to eat in front of him, and I promise you, as God is my witness, the child will not starve. There may be a day or two when he does not eat as much as you think he should, and you will doubtless suffer maternal anxiety, but the boy will be fine. If he misses a meal or two it will not stunt his growth or cause emotional scars---for him. When he is hungry, he will eat what is put in front of him. Just tell him, "We don't have pizza rolls" or pancakes, be firm, and when he protests just walk away from it.  

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