
How to get my 2 feral cats to eat food?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 kitten there brother and sister there tabby. We got them 2 days ago, but the problem is that they will only eat when I'm not in

and they wont eat meat in jelly what shall I do!




  1. kittens are aaaalways scared for AT LEAST the first few weeks when you bring them home. that was the problem with my cat. now hes the most affectionite kitty on the planet! they just have to warm up to you! think about it. ur a baby cat that was living in a small cage. then these giants took you into a car and drove you to a strange place and the giants were like trying to get you... id be scared... they'll eat dont worry! just leave it in a place like the kitchen and theyll realize thats where the food is. dont worry about it

  2. just leave them be i had the same problem with my feral cats, cats naturally domesticate themselves, they will come around, don" try to make them do anything bc it will backfire on you. give them theiir own separate room and in your sparetime just sit in there with them and play with long toys so you don't have to get close, when they tame down a bit you won't get their heads out of the bowl no matter who is around, don't forget spay and neuter!!! Good Luck

  3. Give them some time.  Keep putting food down and soon they will be comfortable enough around you to eat when you are in the room.  Also, you could get some cat treats and bribe them to come close to you and take the treats.  Don't worry if all they eat is crunchy food, they don't really need the soft food.

  4. Put food down and walk away it is not necessary to watch!

  5. gain there trust by feeding them every day. let them know that you are putting the food down for them and just put it down and walk away. in time they will not mind your being there. after you get that far wait for them to come to you for the food. you will bond do not worry just gonna take some time.

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