
How to get my 3 year old to stop screaming?

by  |  earlier

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She sounds like a whistle, when she laughs she screams it makes you not even want to touch her lol. And when I try to discipline her as soon as I get close she screams, she even does it for the h**l of it sometimes.

I would calmly tell her that she do not need to scream, but that dont seem to work either..

Anyone have any tips?




  1. use headphones to block the sound she'll eventually get over it. If not bride her with ice cream

  2. My nephew is 6 and he screams all the time I absolutley HATE it and my sister just acts like she can't hear him when he does it so I pinch him when he does it and it seems to work cause he doesn't do it around me anymore!

  3. spank them

  4. I know this sounds impossible, but you have to ignore bad behavior and reward good behavior. Punishment is an immediate fix with no lasting impression. Rewarding good behavior actually has a lasting effect on kids this young.

    It's easy to disagree with this, but no one who has tried it for a long time will disagree with it. It is just really hard and tries your patience. Be consistent.

  5. you don't want to touch your child because she screams while she laughs?  I think you need to learn to be more tolerant.  she won't scream like that forever, it's just a phase.  If she has tantrums over not getting what she wants that's a different story, give her time out EVERY time facing the wall, if it doesn't bother her then increase it minute by minute.

  6. Please don't spank your child. That ONLY encourages bad behavior. Easier said then done, but completely IGNORE her when she does it. If you make a big deal of it then she knows that she is getting a reaction out of you and she will only keep doing it. Ignoring her will show her that it does not bother you and she will eventually quit doing it.

    Good luck :-)

  7. Have you ever seen supernanny... to a time out, and if she gets up keep putting her back until she stays there... even if it takes a while.  

    Or try throwing a tantrum next to her to see how silly she looks.  It works most of the time :)

  8. she does it for attention so you have to ignore her...not one word...just look away from her

  9. this might be troublesome, but as soon as she screams, get up and leave the room until she stops, she does it again, do the same thing, be sure to do it silently, just say 'stop screaming" and leave, closing the door behind you. eventually it will sink in " if i scream mommy/daddy leave me here alone, im bored, so i stop, so they come back= yay"

  10. Answer to your Question. If she screams. Tell her you are going to spank her. If she screams even without any reason tell her the same thing. And tell her you will give her a reason for screaming when you spank her. And do it mom. And after you spank her. Make her stand in the corner for a while. She needs quiet time. Don't give in to her now. As the future it will get worse. As if you don't later they think they can get away with anything. A good hand spanking is good for them. Be strict but fair mom. Give them rewards when they are good too. Not to often a reward. Once in a while. Make them earn the reward. Good luck.  

  11. She is doing it because you react to her negative attention seeking behavior. She is pushing your buttons to see you react.  Stop reacting. Tell her calmly if she doesn't stop she will have to suffer the consequence. And follow through. You say time out does not work , she likes the corner. Time to change tactics. Get a carpet square or small rug. This can be moved to different areas, like the middle of the room. It will be beastly for a while, but stay your ground. She sounds to be very head strong, so this will not work over night. But if you are consistent it will.  

  12. I agree with those who say to ignore her!  Your daughter has found a wonderful way of seeking and holding attention!You can't blame her for using it!!  I'd scream too if I thought I'd get noticed for it!!

    Explain to her that although she finds it fun, you don't and you have decided to help her to change this behavior.  

    Ask her what she would like as a prize, or treat or reward ?  Something small and instant.  Even purchase a little selection of things that she loves - my daughter had stickers, glitter, glue etc.....and give them one at a time.

    Explain you will reward her for seeking attention in calm quiet ways - then watch for opportunities to surprise her with a treat and a hug and lots of positive affirmations.  

    Be really consistent in your approach - make it a project and concentrate on rewarding her quiet, calm self. You will be amazed how quickly she will respond and it is wonderful to realize that this approach can be used all the time for other situations too.  

    All the best.

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