
How to get my 7 year old son from screaming for any little thing?

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My son is 7 years old and I have a daughter that is 12 years old by the same dad. My daughter used to pick on him all the time really bad and doesn't do it any more after talking about how sad he would always get. Well its been about two years from that and for any situation that gets him upset he screams at the top of his lungs or cries like hes hurt. For example my husband started tickling him and he started crying. I've seen this in other children who are siblings sometime the younger child plays a victim and will cry or scream to get attention. Please help what do I say to him or do? Thank you for your help




  1. wow sit  him down and talk to him and that u dont like for him to scream or cry for every little thing  good luck:-)

  2. He is way way too old for that behavior.  I agree with the other person who said if he is going to be acting like a baby than treat him like one!

  3. Talk to him about acting his age and what appropriate reactions are. We had to tell our (now 11) youngest if she was going to act like a 3 year old thhrowing tantrums, etc., then she was going to be treated that way and have the bedtime, freedoms, etc of a 3 year old. We still use that on her for some things (i.e. if you're too young to remember ____, you're too young to go to middle school dances or spend the night with friends). It's the only thing that's worked.

  4. My son used to do that - it drove me CRAZY!!!  Here's what I did.  When he would start crying, I would walk away (unless he was really hurt).  When we were in the store once, I walked away and hid around the corner.  Pretty soon he realized that if he didn't get on the boat, it was gonna leave without him.  I think he stopped after 2 days of my doing this and guess what - he still loves his mama.

  5. I'm not trying to be mean but you might want to take him somewhere for assistance.  Sometimes those type of responses are from disorders.  Autism and such.  Until you know for sure that there are no physical reasons for it I wouldnt ignore him or walk away from him.

  6. The problem is,  that he has learned that when I scream/cry/act the victim, I get whatever my sneaky little heart desires, and if I throw in a sad little "you don't love me" I get ice cream too!!!"

    You gotta stop feeding that lie.  You and Dad HAVE to STOP giving him positive attention when he tries to get it in a negative way.

    Try talking to him about it. Calmly, reasonably, and without emotion so he knows you're serious.  And no hugs and kisses cause that feeds the monster.

    He has to learn to get the attention he craves in POSITIVE ways.  And when he starts?  Just very calmly remind him that crying/screaming/whining won't do it and to come see you when he can talk to you like a big boy and not a whiny baby.

    And walk away.

  7. peer pressure...  i guess?

  8. You know, my wife and I had the same problem with our daughter.  We found a way to fix this and now she is the most mellow and respectfull little girl you could find anywhere.  Here's how it works;   first of all, be firm and tell yourself as well as the child that you will NOT accept that kind of behavior anymore.  Secondly, be an example, if you scream, your children will be screamers.   If your mellow so will they be.  And third, the form of punishment used... your going to need a spray bottle and lots of cold water.  Literally, manually cool him down.  Man!  you won't beleive how the message gets across when they get wet.   No slaps, no screaming just a little bit of water and the ego washes away.  Call me crazy, but it worked like a charm.

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