My little man was such a fabulous sleeping baby who never cried and is now a bedtime pest (still cute though)! He gets so crazy hyper I don't know how to calm him and get him to bed. We have basically the same routine every night- dinner, bath, play a little, bedtime bottle, and then he gets so squirmy and hyper, even if he closes his eyes while drinking, as soon as its gone. He fights like crazy and cries if I just try to hold him on my lap and rock him. Of course I try putting him in his crib and walking away, he stands and cries til he's choking. I've left him a long while then if I finally go back he'll usually settle and go to sleep. If I take him for a walk in his stroller he will fall asleep. How do I get him to calm down at bedtime without the stroller? I have to wake him many mornings so I know he needs more sleep. Most nights though he does sleep a good 10 hrs once I get him down. I just don't know how to get him to chill out and calm down! Suggestions??? Thanks!