
How to get my Dad to let us move?

by Guest60308  |  earlier

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We have horses, but we board them. I would,and so would my siblings, love to move to the country. dad is procrastinating. I am 14 for gawds sake, and I would like to get as much time out of the new house as we possibly could. If we moved to the country I could still continue going to my school AND get bussing! Please help me speed this up! Plus, he wants to do for sale by owner.




  1. I are 14 and you most likely don't understand the legalities of real estate.  I'm sure there's a very good reason why your dad wants to see the house privately and it's none of your business.  You do not control the finances.......selling real estate is a process that you obviously do not understand.

  2. Quit whining you sound like you are four and not fourteen.  Geeze you are really immature.

  3. You sound like a princess.  Everything is about you.  You're 14 for gods sake.  Have you ever heard of respect.  

    There may be reasons why your dad has not moved that you are not aware of.  He should be telling you what to do and not the other way around.  And in a couple of years you can get out on your own anyway.  So shut up and help around the house and help your dad instead of being a teenage pain in the a.......!

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