
How to get my baby into modeling?

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How would I begin to get my baby into modeling?

Hes 8 weeks old.




  1. get some headshots done for a local agency...

  2. you an get some simple snaps of him and start a profile at a model networking site like do a few freebie gigs to get some pro photos and go from there.

    2 things you should know...

    1. watch out for scammers online.

    2. being successful is all about marketing your child to the right people. if you have trouble selling a used car or raffle tickets you should probably not get into modeling.

  3. Simple.  You don't.  He's a baby, not a prop.

  4. try taking some pictures of your baby and then sending them to a daiper company or something like that

  5. everyone wants their kid to be a model. you may have some chance but you better get some really great shots by a professional photographer and put on top of the line veiwing materials (paper, discs, etc.) and you will need a legitemate agent, one who has a contract that gets a part of only the gigs the kid gets, no upfront or hidden fees....know it is a field full of people with big dreams and big ideas and many do not have much in the way of integrity or scrupples.

    good luck

  6. How should we know? This is under the Photography section under ARTS.

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