
How to get my body back???

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I have never really cared about body image much, but since having my baby I feel FAT! I just can't seem to feel confident in my appearance anymore? Is anyone feeling this way? Does anyone have any secrets or tricks to balance being a new mommy and getting your body back to a place that makes you feel confident again!




  1. it's just ordinary feeling woman could feel after giving birth, it means you have to be confident and comfortable with your self, as the time goes by, you'll find the secret happines in being a momma.

  2. Lol, welcome to my world!  I had my first baby at the age of 22 and my body has never been the same.  Diet and exercise will help tremendously, but I still have a ''mommy tummy'' and saggy b*****s.  The older I get though, I'm starting to look at them differently.  Kind of like battle scars.  My husband still finds me just as attractive as the day he met me at the age of 18 :)  I figure for now, it's ok to have the mommy body.  There may come a day when I choose to surgically fix it, but right now, I'm pretty content.  There is a website you should check out.  It's called .  There are wonderful stories and pictures of fellow mom's dealing with the same issues.  That site really helped me find peace in myself as far as body image goes.  Best of luck to you and know you're not alone!

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