
How to get my cat to p**p in her litter box?

by  |  earlier

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i got a new kitten so i bought her a litter box and some litter. the problem is that she doesnt want to go inside the litter. a friend came over and told her i should get her the sand litter because it might be more comfortable with it. any suggestions/help ?




  1. Kitties p**p outside their litter box because of:

    1. stress (including being in a new enviornment)

    2. they are mad about something unlrelated and p**p in protest

    3. they don't like the type of litter or it isn't getting sifted frequently enough.

    When the cat does it, I would immedietly (cats don't have long term memory the way we do, so doing it much later would only be mean as the cat wouldn't relate it to the action) and gently scold and swat her and then immediately take her to the litter box.

    Do try sand over pebbly litter, and do make sure you sift it regularly.

    To get her feeling more comfortable in her surroundings, make sure to spend plenty of time playing and cuddling her, and maybe give the occasional special treat (like wet food or cat treats) so she knows she's in a safe & loving environment.

    You will also need to do an extra good job of cleaning where she poops as the residual smell tells them to come back there next time.  Without doing anything that would harm the surface, just clean, sanitize and de-odorize the area really well.

  2. look around the house,and if there is a certain area wheres she usually poops or pees than put the litter box in that area.

  3. Keep it completely clean (it's like you... you don't like to poo in a filty toilet either)

    Also she might not like the type of sand you are useing ... put 2 differnt ones out and see which she prefers.

    good luck

    Also clean everywhere she has gone pee/ poo with alcohol it kills all the smell and the cat more than likely won't go back to that place.  

  4. if she poops in other places pick up the p**p and put it in the litter box. then show her. good luck.

  5. Whenever she poops, pick it up with a papertowel gently and put it in the litterbox, put the kitten beside it - and use HER paw to cover it up.  Do this as often as necessary.  Use cat NO! spray if she is peeing or pooping in the same place away from the box or in an inappropriate place.  Also, is the food dish near the box?  A cat usually will not use the litterbox if it's too close or in the same room - would you rather eat in the bathroom with a toilet with p**p in it or in a clean area/room?  Cats are much more finicky than us *L*.

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