
How to get my co-workers to like me?

by  |  earlier

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I just graduated college and started my first real job. I really like it, but I don't think the people in my department like me. I get ignored and given "busy work". My boss said they are jelous of my overachievement. (I worked very hard on a project and impressed our CEO. I don't know what to do to get them to like me, everyone else in the company seems to like me, but I have to specifically work with the people in my department every day in close quarters. Any advice would be helpful, I find myself not wanting to go to work, and it's not fair because I've worked hard to get where I am.




  1. try too low down a bit. life is always like that, sometimes takes it easy the best solutions. jealousy or trying to over power them or any reasons why they give you a cold shoulder treatment. maybe try to be nice to them open up honest communication or whatever tactic you make. intelligent like YOU should create something to acknowledge you. SMILES ALWAYS AND OFFER FOR HELP. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

  2. act your self im sure you are a likable person so if you act normal they will relize you are normal and nice and coolto hang out with.  invite some out for a beer or somthiung

  3. Keep being yourself, trying to make small talk and be nice. These people are just childish and your boss is correct---they are jealous.

    There is not much you can do other than try to kill em with kindness.

  4. Hello,

    Great job on your hard work.  This sounds like they are the ones that need to grow up.  Personally, if I were you, I would keep being nice to them.  Eventually, you guys will HAVE to do some kind of evaluation on eachother.  I bet they'll be nice during that time.  And if not, I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Let them give you the "Busy Work" they're just doing it to themselves if you think about it.  They're kind of helping you "prove" yourself to the company.   Kind of funny that they don't see it like that.  Another thing, did they help you with that project you did to impress your CEO?  The reason why I ask, is because maybe they felt you took full credit and didn't give proper acknowledgement to them, if they had helped you in anyway.

    If things get worse, definitely follow the chain of command.  Talk to them, ask them, find out from them and try to solve it with them on your own.  2nd, if that doesn't work, then go talk to your supervisor.

    It really sounds like your impressing the right people, and don't need your fellow co-workers anyway.  Sounds like the people you really should be impressing are the people who really matter.  I don't believe your co-workers sign your paychecks, so you really don't owe them anything, but continued respect and professionalism.

    Eventually someone will notice, mainly if you're being nice constantly and they're not giving you the time of day.

  5. 1. Smile daily

    2. Ask how was your weekend? on Mondays

    3. Ask someone of the same s*x if they want to have lunch with you

    and remember that everyone is just as insecure as you are! sincere compliments can make the hardest heart soar.  

  6. My department at work is a tough crowd too... I think it does take time. But I'd get to know one or two at a time. Relate to them, find common grounds, and ask for their help/advise on your work. They are probably intimidated cause you did so well, they just need to see your human, can make mistakes and would like to be-friend them.

  7. invite them to lunch, be yourself, be open and not shy

  8. Just show that you care about them. Ask them questions about there family.Show interest in them. Take time to make them feel special or do something nice for them.. Not in excess, I guess just go out of your way once in awhile and do something that most people at work would not do for them something as simple as getting them a coffee..

  9. be nice Invite them to lunch and pay get to know one and they will introduce you to other people!

  10. Just be your self give people time to know you and like you!

  11. i recommend u hire a stripper and get drunk with ur colleagues

  12. Congrats on your achievements!

    Your coworkers just need to know you're looking out for them as well as yourself. Show them you're a team player. Do something for them that makes their jobs easier, acknowledge their worth, show extra consideration for their feelings, etc..

    This is not sucking up; it's just letting them know that you're not all about you. I'm not suggesting you are, but it may come across that way to them if they've been there longer and you come in a "shining star." Jealousy and pettiness are unfortunately common in some work places, but you can overcome and rise above it by showing just a bit of humbleness and desire to help your teammates.

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