I homeschool my second grader, who is an average kid who loves art. At the end of the year we did the CAT and she scored quite high across the board. The problem is my husband. He was so happy with her high test scores and bragged about it to everyone. This year, she is having a hard time grapsing math and it is really upseting her because her father seems to think that all homeschool kids are super-smart kids. I have talked to him about it and he doesn't really get that his over-praise last year kinda was a bad thing. She is really scared about taking the test this year, because she does not think that she will do as good. I try to tell her not to worry about it, but she still is upset. She thinks that if she does not score as high as last year, her dad will not like her as much.
Also, he is convinced our little one should be reading by the time she is three. She is a smart little girl, but I want to push her just to meet his "goal" because who knows what the next one will be. HELP!