
How to get my lab to enjoy water?

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How do I get my lab to swim in the water? I tried giving him treats, play games, and scratching the belly. At most he'll do is stand there, he won't lay down or anything else. I've been doing this every day for the past two weeks. What should I do?




  1. Dogs usually only like water if they grew up playing with water.

  2. Ducks. I have a lab who was terrified of water. As soon as she saw some ducks she was right in and swimming. If you don't have access to real ducks, you could try throwing in some rubber ducks to give him something to go after. If it's a safe body of water you could try going in with him. I guess the best way might just be to gradually get him used to it. Get a bucket and just splash him every now and again. Hope he's swimming soon.

  3. Train him to swim, or take him to a beach with lots of dogs swimming in the water!

  4. Find a friend with a dog who likes to play in the water, and take both dogs to the water together. I have an Austrailian Shepard and a Pointer. The Aussies aren't generally water dogs, but as a puppy, the Pointer would go swimming, so she went too. Now she loves it.

  5. Well, since labs are water dogs, not all of them are, I would get him used to water with a bath tub first.  If he's small enough hold him just above the water and slowly put his feet in and you will see (and your dog) how he swims naturally.  The reason why it is a good idea for labs to swim is because of their prone to hip problems.  Again not all dogs are water dogs so if you are reading this topic do some research or ask your vet first.

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