
How to get my mile to 5? and my 2 mile under 12?

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Hi I'm a freshman at Highschool who started running mid february for the first time.... I am a long distance runner and I run the 1 and 2 mile every meet(except when they're close together)

My mile time is 5:46 while my 2 mile time is 12:52(these were my last meet, which were a great improvement from a meet 2 weeks before)

My goal is to have my mile time near 5 flat by the end of the season(june) or at the latest by august....

In my training sessions I work very hard, I'm not a slacker.

My strategies are slowly increase speed every lap and sprint the last 100 all out.

I usually do lots of stretches with a half a mile warmup and a run of 2-3.5 miles every day(around town which contains lots of terrain shifting), then a half mile cooldown...

Should my warmup be 1 mile and the cooldown too?

How can I improve my times this is my first season and in 3 weeks I cut 40secs of my mile...

please help, oh and I don't run with spikes.... should I??




  1. sigh, everybody says and starts out slow, DON'T! start out fast, then run mildly, then jog, then mild, then fast again, you might feel minor pain, but when you look at ur stopwatch and/or your cabs, you will feel soo proud of yourself!

  2. sprint the staights, run the curves. on atrack.

  3. If you want to go faster you need to work on making your time faster. Jog a mile slowly, then jog normal, then jog fast, then run slow, run normal. I would do this everyday. that means four seperate runs everyday. At the very end of the day you need to sprint as far as you can. Just run all out for as long as you can. Then on weekends you should run one mile as fast as you can trying to get under your time. It's ok if you burn out before the mile is up and half to walk, just keep trying to make a mile as fast as you can go. Gradually the distance will get longer and you will notice your ability to go faster throughout the entire mile. You will be in great shape by the end of june

  4. You definately should run with spikes.  You could drop your mile time right away by 20 seconds with spikes.  If I were you, I would ask the coach if I could be in the 1 mile and 4 by 800 relay because it sounds like the mile is your best event and the 4 by 800 helps to get you warmed up.

    Good Luck

  5. Mondays and Wednesdays are hard track workouts with 300 meter, 800 meter, 1200 meter repetitions that add up to about 2 to 3 miles. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are distance runs 50 minutes to an hour so about 6 to 8 miles.

    On the track workouts try running your goal times paces. For example, your next goal might be 5:30 so every 100 meters you have to be running 20 to 21 seconds. So on the track workouts you run the 800 repetitions in 2:40 each with 1 to 2 minutes rest in between. As you improve run the repititions faster according to your next goal.

    In the 2 days before you race do distance runs (30-50 minutes)

    You don't have to run on saturdays or sundays but you can. I don't.

    Your race should be first lap fast, second lap on pace, third lap push yourself more, and last lap all out, start picking up your pace a lot at the last 300.

    Do that and you will improve. And wear spikes, it helps a lot.

    Your 2 mile is your mile times 2 plus 50 seconds.

  6. Its all about youre mantal state of mind and your preperation once youre at the level you are.

    Try this format for the mile:

    -Start Fast

    -Try not to slow down too much but run the middle with long strides and a good pace.

    -Speed up during the last 600 and sprint as long as you can.

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