
How to get my mom to let me wear black nail polish?

by Guest63537  |  earlier

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Well, I like wearing it. And I did it before and my mom didnt say anything. Except now when I went to do it she went nuts about it. She thinks its like the most horrible thing in the world. And she makes these totally random excuses that I will make a mess or Im just trying to fit in (How is doing something no one else is doing trying to fit in?). Trying to impress someone. This That and the other thing. And she keeps saying no. How can I just get her to agree with me and understand that its just a part of my creative style? I mean she doesnt care about ANYTHING else. She doesnt care if I wear all black or chains or anything, but she makes such a big deal out of nail polish. W T F?




  1. Just wear it be like " ur so unsupportive of my style and personality" That's how I got my mom to let me wear it

  2. she probably thinks that you want to be a girl, or that this is a small way of telling her you're g*y. i know, stupid, but that's how some parents are.

  3. Tell her you won't make a mess and then tell her that it makes you fit in and that you don't like standing out. Ask her do you want me to be unhappy? That will probably make her let you, hopefully. Good luck. If not just do it secretly.

  4. Are you a guy? If you are then I think wearing nail polish anyways is just too girly regardless of what color.

    If your a goth, then, I dunno, how old are you anyways?

  5. Paint your nails black with gold sparkles and say it is the night sky. lol. then they are black at least.

  6. Is it worth it? Do you really need to wear black nail polish. Try to think about it from her side. Its not typical for a boy to pick up black nail polish and paint his nails.

    She wont agree with you or understand ever, so your either going to do it anyone and hear her mouth or, take it off.

    Why do you need to wear black nail polish, thats not being creative at all sounds like your just copying gothic style.

  7. Whaddapoeur.


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