
How to get my mom to let u open up a birthday gift

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ok well my sisters birthday is sep 25 and she asked our mom to get her an xbox 360 she said ok then there was a box by the door for at least 6 weeks so she looked at the box when mom was sleep it said xbox 360 bundle it had a sticker so she went to mom in the morning asking her mom when my xbox gets can i get before my birthday she said sure ok but she dident give her the gift she wants a way to get our mom to get her to open her present before her birthday without her knowing she saw the box




  1. Just wait till her birthday. If she opened it now she will be sad to have nothing to open on her birthday.

  2. its good to use punctuation and capitals so other can see where one sentence ends and another begins it makes it easier to understand what youre trying to say

    How selfish are you two?! If you can't deal with waiting until her birthday, which isn't an eternity, then maybe she should send the box back. Haven't you ever given some fabulous gift to someone and the best part of it for you was to see just how excited and happy the other person was to get it? You've already ruined that for her, and the present wasn't cheap to begin with. Can't you be kind enough and thoughtful enough to wait until your sister's birthday like she's asked? I realize your mother created your selfishness by giving you two whatever you wanted, but it's time for you two to grow up and be a little more thoughtful.

  3. Anticipation is the best part.  Tell your sister to wait for it, and not act like an impatient child.

    Or have her simply ask her mom flat-out: "Has my x-box arrived?  You promised I could open it as soon as it arrives."

  4. if your mom doesn't know your sister already knows the present it's a box she wants to surprise her, because she knows how bad she wants it she feels good surprising her, xbox 360 is not too cheap (don't know your mom's budget)

    tell your sister to just wait a little longer til her birthday and act surprised, it will make your mom feel good and your sister should be happy about it

    by the way looks like you want the xbox too, lol

    happy birthday to your sister

  5. Sneaky Peekers are lucky if the gift isn't returned!

    Your mom probably already knows that your sister looked at the box; Otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to allow her to open it "if it came early," and still isn't giving her the box she found by the door. If your sister gets her xbox 360 early, then she'll deserve nothing but rocks in a box on her birthday!

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