
How to get my mom to say yes?!?!?

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I'm 13 1/2, I'm into bands like green day, simple plan, and stuff. I really want to start wearing eyeliner, i'm pretty mature for my age, my dad says its ok, but my mom won't let me, i even have to ask to wear eye shadow. She won't let me wear any shirt with one skull on it. I don't even wear all black, but my bro does and he is only 16 months older than me. How do i get her permission to wear eyeliner. Any ideas on how to get my mom to say yes..... plz help. Thanks!!




  1. idk the thing i find funny is that your avatar is wearing eye liner haha

    i hope u find a solution

  2. A bribe could work. What is the one thing that your mom needs done most that would lower her stress and frustration level in life the most? Tell her that if you'll do that for her as long as you're allowed to wear eyeliner and if you stop doing it - then you have to stop wearing eyeliner. I don't know but it's worth a try.

  3. Say to her what age did you want to stick on eye liner and you were it :D ,

    It will help my lovely eyes stand out :D  

  4. sounds like your mom is pretty strict. when i was 14 i went thru the whole eyeliner thing with my mom. they don't want us to grow up. this is what i did. i went to her like a business proposal. i also compromised a lot. i told her that i was turning into a young lady whether she was ready or not. i went in my room and lined my eyes egyptian style w/ black liner and topped off my eyelids with electric blue eyeshadow. after she threw noxema at my face and made me wash it off i put on a really light brown kinda nude eyeliner and some really natural shadow. like deep browns. but thats close to my skin tone. find your natural. once she saw the difference she let me wear it. then a few months later i eased it to black! she hardly noticed. try it.

    p.s. i also guess it didn't hurt that i found a pic of her when she was 14 w/ fire engine red lipstick!!! :)   good luck beauty queen

  5. have her show you how to do it properly and just start out with a light brown.

    ask her to let you show her how you plan on wearing it. If she's worried that it'll be too dark comprimise with her

  6. Ask your Mom to show you how to put on eyeliner properly or to come with you while you show her how you intend to wear it.  She may have seen some kids with half their eyelids blackened up and if concerned that it what you are looking to do.   If it is, you're probably sunk, but if you want to tastefully apply it she may give in for special occasions.  However, 13 1/2 is very young for make up--enjoy your perfect skin and beautiful face!

  7. just wait for it. I wasn't wearing make up at 13. I only got to wear it to special occasions then.

    but when I did start I didn't even have to ask my mom.

    me and my bf broke up and I cried and was upset for an hour and then he called and made up to me but my mom said I was going through a lot because of that and other family things and school she dicided me and her should just have a "mall day" so I went and she let me get a make over at the clinique counter at Macy's and I have worn it ever since.

  8. put some on once or twice and see how she reacts. take it off if she asks you to, then try again. be sure to stay patient and dont flip out- trust me, she'll come around.

    if she persists, speak to her calmly, tell her you truly dont see the big deal. that your trying to find a style- a personality, and that your physical appearance doesnt make you who you are.

    a buttefly wouldnt look as beautiful if it couldnt leave its cocoon

  9. 13 year olds shouldn't be wearing makeup.  

  10. Although I am not into the same stuff as you, I went through an eyeliner stage with my mom when i was around your age.  All of my friends wore their eye liner inside the lid of their eye as well on the outer edge, making it look really dark.. when i started doing that i got the no-go on that and she would threaten to take it away from me , etc etc lol.  try wearing your mascara and touching the base of your eye lashes SLIGHTLY.. this will give the effect of eye liner but very subtle.. i use this technique if i am somewhere without my eyeliner but want a more dramatic touch-up look.  If she finally gives in and lets you.. dont over-do it.  You knwo hwo sometimes the lead singers of those bands have like raccoon eyes.. do not do that if you ever want your mom to let you wear it again.  If you dont go crazy with it, she'll end up being okay with it after a while.   One more thing I went through, try not to wear it everyday!  If she says well maybe you can try.. wear it like 2-3 times per week at first so she doesnt get too overwhelmed.  Good luck!

  11. wow thats wierd i dont think you should have to ask your mom to wear eye liner at all.

    you should ask again and mabye ask her why she wont let you.

    good luck!!!

  12. If you feel daring enough, do it anyway and show her that it is a style that you like and wish to stick with.

  13. it can be pretty though to get oyur mom say yes, if she is a strict one. do things your mom likes & pamper her.then ask he to say yes.

    if not that then ask ur dad to help u out, better wait for sum time.

    & if everythng fails then do ur free will  

  14. Wait a couple of years then she will say yes.......oh, you mean right a mom myself....I'm with your will grow up fast enough without hurrying the process with makeup...I know this is not what you want to know it will still be there when she says yes by the way.

  15. fake eyelashes can look similar depending on the look your after.

    then your still abidding by moms rules and getting your style on.

  16. I think that at 13 1/2 you should allowed to wear eyeliner, at least for dances. Maybe you should show your mom how you plan to wear the eyeliner. you should use thin lines, and you probably don't want to line your top lash or line it very thinly if you can. If your mom still doesn't allow it, ask her how you want her to wear it, and/or if you could try wearing a lighter shade. You could also bring out your eyes with some mascara(which is more natural than eyeliner).  

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