
How to get my mum to let me wear a bikini??

by  |  earlier

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well i currently wear tankini's, i have never really asked my mum if i could but she has before said that she wore one when she was 13 (I'm 14). I have a good relationship with my mum except I find it hard to open up sometimes. How can I hint to her to get me one? thanks in advance.




  1. next time you go to the mall go into the store with her and say "ooh this is a cute swimsuit, can i try it on??" and then she'll probably let you try it on so you try it on, it fits (or, otherwise, it doesn't fit and you replace it with the next size up/down lol), and then when you come out of the dressing room be like "can i please get it??" and if she says yes then be all happy whoopdey doo and if she says no, then be all like "okay..." and  give out a little sigh inside, cry cry just look for a cute tankini to wear


    good luck!! :]

  2. next time you go shopping with her, as you pass by the bathing suits find a cute bikini (make sure its not trashy, lol then she'll never let you wear one!) and just be like "oh mom isn't this so adorable?" or something like that. you could be like "oh my gosh i would SO wear this to the pool this weekend!". or you could do the same thing just like with a magazine and just get her opinions on them. most likely she'll want you to start out with a thicker halter top, if she lets you wear one, to be a little more modest. so when you're picking out potential suits, make sure they are cute and not S****y.

    after pointing out the suits, see what her reaction is. if she doesn't seem into it, drop the subject and try another time. if she catches on, go further. as in, go look at the bathing suit closer, and as an example, look at the price tag and go "oh, hmm i could definitely use some of my birthday money for this!" if she says you can't get it, then the answer is that shes not gonna let you get one right now. at that point, i would sit down and talk to her why she won't let you. hopefully you two can come to an understanding :) good luck!  

  3. well u knw when ever u go bathing suit shopping when picking stuff out go sort of around the bikini area and look around. if she shows u like childish stuff or wte . just say something bad about it make an excuse and go around the bikinis oh thts soo cute or wte and she will knw .worked with me

    if she doesnt still than just say can i wear bikinis u'll get ur answer

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