
How to get my parents to get

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I'm 13 and i am going into 8th grade and i suck at it i cant pay attention i get yelled up for talking, not listening, and walking around to do things like sharpen my pencil to much. Every year by the end of the first month i am not allowed to sit near the window. I talk to my parent but they say they'll talk bout it but i know they aren't cause when i bring it up my dad does that dumb sneer laugh and it makes me mad and he told me that i will probably fake it during the test even tho my mom has ADHD, dyslexia, and OCD. i tired telling him i want to be tested so i cant get helped but he wont do anything




  1. Just talk to your teacher or guidance counselor about it. If they see that you are taking the initiative to solve this problem they will help you. Even just talking to your teacher and telling them that you find it hard to sit for long periods of time, and that you sharpen you pencil for that reason may make them understand more. When I was in school sometime all it took was a walk to the bathroom to wake me up and i could pay attention so much easier.

    Good Luck!

  2. talk to a counselor at school, if you dad won't listen to you maybe he'll listen to them.

  3. maybe you could get a teacher to talk to your dad

  4. Maybe you should talk to your mom or another teacher/counselor.

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